"That's the happy trot, isn't it? C'mon, kitten, enlighten me. Why the good mood today?"
Double Trouble was yet again stalking behind Catra in one of the Horde's endless corridors, and they didn't need to see the feline's face to know she was grinning like mad.
"We took over Elberon, like you suggested. And with a better supply, we managed to get the upper hand in Thaymore as well. Should have a camp there by the end of the week. Damn, this is turning out easier than expected."
"So full with glee . . . I almost feel like you're about to ask me out for lunch." For once, they weren't lying. They hadn't seen their kitten that happy in weeks.
"Who knows, I just might! Up for some fish?"
"Hmm, chicken for me." They trotted up next to her, stealing a sideways glance. She was actually smiling. A rare sight indeed. "So that's what she saw you like . . ."
Oh shit, did they say that out loud? "I was just wondering which side of you she knew better." Not entirely a lie, but a bit too close to the truth for comfort. As a manipulator, Double Trouble didn't like laying themselves bare.
"Who?" Apparently, Catra was so unused to being happy she could barely manage coherent thought. Well, a free lunch was always acceptable.
"You know." They playfully restyled their hair, painting it a few shades blonder. "Oh, look at me, I'm blonde, and tall, and a buff gal who-"
Out of nowhere, Catra slammed them against the wall, claws digging into the scalie's shoulders. The happy spirit was all gone, and she was back to feral, hissing at them. "Don't. EVER. Even DARE. Play Adora for me. You don't know her, bastard, and you have no right to play me like that."
Double Trouble snapped back to green in an instant. Their kitten was somewhat wild and had a wide and deep - and, frankly, also broad - array of issues, but her mood swings had been getting worse and worse. What was it, what held this mess of a person together? What still drove her further towards self-destruction? Double Trouble glanced down, at the narrow space between their bodies. Their heart was beating way faster than it should have. Was this what people wrote songs about? They had never gotten the point of it, mostly because they usually did away with genitals, but . . . damn, this was something.
As sheepishly as they could, they lifted their arms. "Sorry."
Their wildcat tromped away, leaving them against the wall, still confused. What was that supposed to be?! They knew she had issues with Adora, and had figured out not to speak the name aloud if they wanted to avoid an angry cat in the face, but that small a trigger? They had missed something, hadn't they.
Jogging after the sound of angry steps, Double Trouble couldn't fail but notice they were now headed away from the cafeteria. Irrelevant, they thought. What had they done? Sly entry, polished till it shined, a joke flirt that went a tiny, calculated bit further than expected, the slightest of provocations that still managed to topple her over . . . was she overreacting because she was happy? Oh, that kitten. But no, while the very unusual state of mind seems to have helped, it was the flirt that tipped her off-balance.
In another fraction of a second, Double Trouble had a plan of action as well. Dumb cravings, making them improvise like that.
She trotted away, ignoring them.
She answered with a grumble that could have almost been a snappy 'What'. The trickster made a show of massaging their shoulder, even though they had already shifted the scars away.
"You know, with your claws and strength . . . you can be quite intimidating, at times . . ."
"Yeah no shit, go tell Hordac if you don't like it . . ." Turned them down, again. But lingered on a bit longer, didn't she?
"Kitten?" Hurrying up, Double Trouble managed to put a hand on Catra's shoulder. Just as she turned to scowl them off again, the lizard slid their tail forward, tripping her feet and making her fall against a nearby wall - dragging them after her.
The surprised kitten pushed the wall back, but had another surprise when the lizard on top of her didn't seem to move back, instead opting to smile at her.
In the back of her mind, a pair of approaching footsteps went unnoticed.
"So, about that little . . . situation . . . we were in back there . . ."
"What about it?" Seriously? She didn't even pretend to dislike it! Well, she did scowl, but that hardly meant anything with her . . .
"Oh, I was just wondering . . ." Double Trouble gave her one of their trademark grins. "You haven't been getting very rowdy lately, have you?"
"Wha-" Boots getting closer. "Double Trouble, this is very inappropriate!"
The door hissed open. In the last possible moment, the lizard let her go, straightening up and donning a more innocent smile.
"Oh, hi, Scorpia! Catra and I were just talking about you!"
"Me?" Scorpia's face lit up with glee. "Catra was talking about me?"
"Was NOT," she hissed in the trickster's direction through her teeth before storming off in an embarrassed jog.
"No, Catra, wait- !"
"Scorpia." The crustacean stopped dead in her tracks at the actor's commanding voice. "I think she might be a bit busy at the moment . . . is it something important?"
Next chapter