ave / stories / You are on your own ch.9

Time . . . passed. It was hard to tell how much - the windows were closed and curtains drawn, and the only functioning metabolism in the room was undergoing some drastic changes and was in dire need of a recalibration. But, with time and inexorable will, the parts of the body came together, held together less by sense and habit and more by iron will hammered into them until they obeyed. The legs, weak, stood straight. The arms, numb, wiggled in sync to keep the body upright. Back stretched and head held high, the body finally worked. The eyes were then closed. The body didn't feel anything - it was like all the nerves had been severed, the physical body gone. And yet, it was there, and it was known, and it was known how to command it, not through vague intuition like before, but by definite and precise thought.


That voice again. It wasn't a voice, really - more the contents of a message relayed directly into a brain without the need for the intermediary message. Still, eyes were opened to look for it, ears sharpened. There were no sounds in the room. Well, not entirely - there were a couple watches stored in a box amidst the mess, bugs below and above, a bird's nest in a nearby tree. There was surprise at the fact that those noises could be heard and distinguished so clearly, and more surprise at the realization that breath and heartbeat were not there to drown them. A breath was taken, the ribs and muscles stretched as air filled the lungs inside them.

Damn, that felt uncomfortable. Let's not do that unless necessary.

The heart could be controlled as well - it beat three times when prompted, blood pumping around the torso and limbs, and then lay still again. The surprise at that was small - it was more just confirmation that the body, with its fragile flesh and meek instincts, was not in control anymore.

The eyes were closed again. Thought was more powerful than the body. A single message, relayed back. Just think of it, concentrate enough.

    Where are you?


The feet. It had come from the ground. Funny, thoughts had directions now. Bend over, then. Palm down on the floor, reaching out. Soul and consciousness leaving the body, barely tethered to their physical vessel of flesh and blood, reaching out into the endless network of life and knowledge. A single question is asked.

    What are we?

A thousand voices, other souls, echo back as one, a single thought to welcome another to their ranks. And then, I know. And then, the I is gone.

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