Ah, yes. Canteen sludge. Good food was one of the few things that still made life worth living after the apocalypse, but there was no reason to overdo it, was there? Waiting in the queue felt like enough of a punishment already - it's not that she didn't like people, she just preferred it when she didn't have to deal with them. Ugh, and the smalltalk. The bitch face had its benefits, but unfortunately, some brave souls still took her open jacket - which she refused to zip up unless absolutely necessary - and her mostly bare legs as an invitation to talk to her. All in all, they were rather polite - she just didn't like people talking to her in general.
Despite her most earnest attempts at seeming apathetic, the queue had not miraculously gone away. Tapping her foot and looking around the room had not helped, either. She thought of Rae. She'd had a couple experiences with "messing around" - usually, she had been the one calling the shots. The whole confidence being attractive shebang didn't sit right with her. On the other hand, this one knew exactly what it was doing, and had zero holdbacks about it. And frankly, it stirred things in her she'd rather have kept quiet.
Not like she had anything against "experimenting". She'd made the first move, after all - albeit a bit under the influence of alcohol. It's just that Rae was toying with her, and she really didn't like the possibilities that opened. She had never quite trusted Cage, and his lap dog couldn't be much better, either.
Fuck, but she really wanted to mess around more . . . she handed over her tablet and pointed to the green sludge. Spinach wasn't that bad, despite being green. Add some carrots and the occasional bit of meat, and you had most of a full meal.
"Oh come on, you can fit another scoop in there."
"Shut up and move on."
She took a deep breath. There was that thing someone had told her not too long ago that was still itching at the back of her head . . .
"Can I have another scoop . . . please?"
The cook looked at her, his eyebrows slowly rising in bewilderment. Shaking his head, he took another scoop of sludge and dropped it in her dish. She didn't remember if they'd met before, but it seemed likely from his aghast reaction. Just as confused, she looked around, at the queue behind her looking at her expectantly.
"Uh . . . thanks," she mouthed and moved on, face drained of blood. This was really not supposed to go this well. She didn't like it. Ah damn, and what were people going to think - her going soft! Next time she saw Rae, she'd punch her in the face. Yeah, that'll fix it. Though, maybe being nice to people once in a while wasn't a bad idea either, what with the double portion it got her . . .
Ah, fuck it. This wasn't good. She needed someone to mess up, otherwise she was going to keep thinking about this, and it was going to drive her mad. She looked around - there had to be someone easy around her. Someone who'd hit her up because of her chest and her legs. Now, who was it gonna be?
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